Prime Minister Narendra Modi has planted a sapling of the Parijat tree in the Ram Mandir temple complex ahead ceremony of laying the foundation stone of temple. On 5-Aug-2020, A head of the Bhumi Pujan and the foundation-stone laying ceremony of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has planted a Parijat tree in complex of Ram Janmabhoomi Temple. Significance of the parijat tree is explained here in brief. The Parijat Tree (Coral Jasmine Tree) is believed to be Kalpa Vriksh/Kalpa Taru (wish-granting tree), one of the Ratnas (jewels) that emerged from the Krishrasagara ( cosmic ocean ) during the Samudra Manthan in the Satyuga. The Samudra Manthan took place between the Devas and the Asuras to obtain the Amrit or the D ivine nectar . However, several other items emerged from the ocean bed. The Kalpa Taru was one of them. Indra, the king of the Devas, took it to his abode, Indraloka (Heaven), planted in his garden known as Nandana Vana and gifted it to his wife, Indran...
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